
this message may be offensive
Wattpad honey what the FUCK why'd you have to delete 1,000 words off my fucking chapter get your shit together I'm not writing all of that again fuck off. 


Hi omg I just I wanted to say I absolutely love your story Breath, it’s so good and I love how you portray the character and ahhhhhhhhhhh
          I was wondering if you plan on updating it soon . It’s alright if your not, I was just curious :) 


I loved it  and your amazing 


omg sjsjsjsk this is so sweet!  i'm literally going to cry aah thank you so much. i just updated it, i hope you enjoy the chapter :)


Loved 'The Lion King', even if I had to stop reading it for a bit. The whole announcement of their love-filled marriage sort of shocked me and forced me to stop. But I finished it and love the end product, as they'd both came from a different time where everything was harder. And you didn't portray Joffrey as a mushy-gushy person where everything was rainbows and sunshine, but let him experience loss and heartache where he did things he regretted with his entire being...
          Anyways, I just want to say I loved the book and you! So there,          LUV YA!!!


Aww thank you so much!! Means the world to me that you took out the time to post this message❤️❤️