
Happy pride month ❤️❤️❤️


I just finished reading Kaleidoscopic, I want to say that I hate you and I wish you never wrote that book and I wish I never read it. This book shattered me, I've never felt so many emotions from reading a book, and trust me, I've read a lot of books before. The thing that stood out to me about this book, is that I hated Evan, I hated Danny, and I hated Jackson. I hated them. I was so angry I wanted to stop reading. But I pushed through. I realized that I only hated them because I never gave them a chance. I never realized that people do truly make mistakes. Reading this has opened my mind, taught me about forgiveness. I only started reading this because I heard something through a friend that I should read it and that I will connect with Evan in many ways. The one way that stood out to me was that he lost his mother. I also lost my mother, I have been angry at her since she passed. But the more I understood Evan, I understood that I shouldn't be angry. I shouldn't be sulking in grief, but instead be happy to have memories of her, happy that she lived a full life. She was a drug addict, but she recovered. For me, but I still hated her every time she relapsed. I never realized that instead of pushing her away, I needed to pull her in, give her help. I fear this book will haunt my memories, but I wont be angry about it, Ill be happy that I was able to read such a masterpiece. You are a great author and I loved the book, you write like a poet. It's amazing, and it's some of the best writing I've ever read. So what I want to say is that I hate you and this book, but behind my hate is love. I love you and this book. Kaleidoscopic truly grabbed my heart, played with it, then shattered it, only to piece it back together. It'll always have some cracks, but I will learn to look past it. Thank you for writing this book and opening my mind, I truly mean it.


@casualmelodrama I hope only good things come your way, you deserve the world 


@Kfroggyrose hello lovely person❤️thank you for taking the time to type such a thoughtful message. i am so very sorry about your loss. it sounds like you are still peeling back the layers of closure and i wish you well along that process. it can be a lot. addiction has touched my life in my ways, which is why i incorporated in this book. it is not easy to see a loved one go through it, and even harder when they leave us. i wish you all the best and am sending you lots of love. i appreciate you reading my work❤️


hey! taking an otherwise banal january day to let you know that i think about kaleidoscopic from time to time. i want to re-read it but i need to be free from obligations and truly sit down in peace and quiet to savor it. its actually so weird that the book was a light read, but in retrospect, was so heavy with nostalgia and tragedy and ordinary but grand depictions of love so profound that it wounded my heart. i'm the type of person that when i read a great book, it sometimes entirely transforms my worldview (this has happened to me a total of, like, 3 times– it's that RARE). like my life is just pre-kaleidoscopic and post-kaleidoscopic now. so thanks for that. for upending how i think about love and desire and lust and adolescence and the terrible tragedy of youth in this impermanent world. i truly, truly love you if that isn't obvious enough. pray you're in good health, bye. 


@dysgaysex thank you so much!! this is incredibly kind❤️i am so happy you enjoyed my work. 


heyy! do u have any social media accounts? i just saw a tweet that kind of reminded me of kaleidoscopic haha and i wanted to share it with u.
          anyway, here’s the link if u can/want to view it:


@nanapey evan would have loved it❤️


@casualmelodrama hi kendall. haha sorry, i saw another tweet that reminded me of kaleidoscopic. i think evan would have loved this :(


@nanapey i do not. but awwww i love that!! thank you for sharing❤️


          Hi, I read your story Something Blue, and I can't describe how it made me feel. It was so full of life. You took a lot of inspiration from your real life, and it was so wonderful. The chapter "Fun Facts" made me want to meet you in real life. I know that's not possible since we live in completely different countries. But I want to ask if you have Instagram so I could at least see you.


@keledoicscope hello❤️i no longer have an instagram but thank you for asking! i am glad you enjoyed my work. you can always reach out to me on here❤️❤️❤️


hi kendall! have you watched fellow travelers? watching it rn and i’m reminded of kaleidoscopic a lot ;’’)


@casualmelodrama you know what. now that i know you’ve watched it, i kinda regret asking  it’s like a double whammy attack /lh
            but in all seriousness, that’s sooo amazing that you’ve watched it! it’s so reminiscent of kaleidoscopic that i cant say whether im excited to finish it bc ive been scarred by kaleidoscopic  


@nanapey yes i have!!! an incredible show. loved the writing. amazing acting. heart-wrenching. powerful. inspiring. 10/10❤️moved me in many ways. 


Just curious will Beck and Ronan be available again? Reading Something Blue and wanting more background on the characters 
          Thanks :)


@casualmelodrama thanks for getting back to me! I’ll continue to enjoy Something Blue


@paper_greyscale i do not have a date set but thank you for asking! 