Hey CathyB, I think I'd enjoy buddying up with you. First of all you have been to so many places. I spent 16 years, in total, living in parts of the Middle East--Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. I've also spent months in Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France and Spain, and a wee bit of time in Ireland. I lived in Montreal and Toronto, Canada. I've also lived just outside of Washington, D.C. in Vienna, Virginia. I was born in Portland, Oregon and presently live in southern California in the Inland Empire.
I will enjoy reading what you have. Also we're in the same age group--OK, you're younger. I'm 64. My novel from my experience of NaNoWriMo is titled A HOLIDAY IN EGYPT GONE WRONG. I've used some of my understanding and experiences within the novel.
What do you think? If you pop over to my section, you can read the synopsis and first chapter. I put those up early in December as a place holder.
I didn't see your web site address above so please let me know what it is. If you'd like to see what I've been doing these last 2 1/2 months you can check out my blog BOOKTALK WITH EILEEN. I combined my love of reading -- all genre (almost) and writing.