If anyone wants to know why I call my self a writer but don’t write, here’s the warrior cat fanfic me and my childhood friend plot idea
Bluefridge goes on walk and then weird flirting with Aspenidiot involving pushing him into a river happens. She helps him get the water off his floofy. Aspenidiot love variable increases by 3%. Bluefridge goes back to camp and does emo preteen stuff (ie. GO AWAY MOM IT’S NOT A PHASE!!!!). (gathering battle starts)Gathering and apensidiotlove variable increase by 5% (current status is 21.5%).
Smokecloud (pikachuchutrain), comes and is nice and is flirtge with Bluefridge. Spotted a wild kaht (cat)– defeated by Bluefridge and spontaneous Aspenidiot appearance, Aspenidiotlove increased by 7% because they beat up Greg.
Idiotfridge convo. Flustered Bluefridge, standard this is forbidden we shouldn’t be talking lines. Aspenidiot say come back tommmorw night, Bluefridge say no, but also then comes back next night. Grandma Dapplenostrils knoes all, comes and grills her, then tells her to go hang out with Pikachuchutrain. That happens.
Gathering… Idiotfridge convo in the bushes (but not Marnie and Lewis) got to go blah blah blah. ENTER MAPLEPAW THE APPRENTICE (adopted into the clan). More Idiotfridge meetups, more aspenidiotlove variable increase. Karaoke night (argueibn) with pikachuchutrain, Kestrelfightnighttightkitebite the might, and Dapplenostrils.
And its announce for more spam!