Hi, my sweet angels. It’s been a while. I know you must be thinking that I’m here to update you on when another chapter of my book is being published, however, that is not the case. This has been one of the toughest decisions that I have ever had to make in my life, but I am thankful to God for being my guide and directing me in doing the right thing. The past few months for me have been incredibly transformative. I have found my way back to Christ and I have to say that life has been so beautiful. Who knew that life with Him would be so much better than life without Him? Now, I was ruminating a lot about my writing odyssey and my relationship with Christ. My writing is important, but nothing is more significant to me than building a relationship with my Heavenly Father and getting to know Him more intimately. I have become so close to Jesus, and I have fully accepted Him as my Lord & Savior. But I knew that accepting and following Him meant crucifying my flesh. It meant cutting off all things that are dishonorable to Him. It meant removing things from my life that would lead me astray from the Kingdom of God. My inscription may be considered phenomenal by some, but personally, I don’t believe it glorifies God or His kingdom. I love writing so much, especially writing smut, but I will not let anything become greater than my love for Christ. I know my writing helped a lot of people, but it did not bring glory to the Almighty. For me, writing was sheer ataraxia. It was a form of escape. It was a way for me to disconnect with reality and get away from the world. It was a way for me to adopt another identity, become someone else behind a screen. But now I’ve realized that I don’t need writing. Because I have Jesus and if He is all that I have, then I have everything that I need. And there is absolutely nothing else I could really ever ask for. Now, I can also say that my identity can be found in Christ and not Celly Mae Rose.

@cellyroseauthor Amen Amen! I have seen that Christ is also directing many others to turn back to him, which is why I myself have turned my books down. It will always be a tough decision bc Satan wants you to feel like your losing something. When in reality Christ says whatever you bound on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Yeshua has a big plan for us this year and its drawing close to him. Continue to pray for his plan and will.

@cellyroseauthor AHHH YES! I'm so happy for you babe❤️❤️ Welcome to being a great ambassador for Christ. I'm glad the gospel found you and you accepted Him❤️