
A n e w theme??


Hi Jac! 
          I'm sorry I'm here bothering your Wattpad. I just wanted to spill some cheese here before I go! (The exclamation points are sickening) 
          I love you Jac. You're one of the greatest people I've ever met in my entire life and without you, I wouldn't be me. I know we've only been friends for a few months, not even two but it's still true. Since I met you, I've admired you and everything about you. You are extremely funny and you make everyone so happy. Especially me. You're an amazing person to know honestly. I never thought I'd get lucky enough to call you my friend, and I still can't believe I do. You have been a blessing to me and an inspiration. You're a unique individual with a beautiful mind and a great taste in music. I've never met someone more caring and loving and accepting. No one has a reason to not love you and if they do, they're batshit crazy. For someone that dresses in all black, you're the brightest, most colorful person I've ever met. You're comfortable with yourself no matter what you do and you've made me feel like I don't have to hide who I am at all. Since I've been friends with you, I've changed for the better. I'm not afraid of being me anymore so I have you to thank. Being your friend and knowing you is one of the greatest things about my life and I hope it can be for a long time to come.  ~ Ash