
still in hiatus on almost all platforms except tiktok since i still want to support other writers but let’s go back to a time where people mind their business on this app.
          	focus on your writing. after all, this is why we’re all here for. in addition to that, i wanted to remind you guys to keep spreading news not only palestine but sudan and congo!! so many people have turned a blind eye to them when they also are in need of your help.
          	i had previously shared a document with fundraisers and i’ll do it again. i know i don’t have a large following but please if you see this try to share it.
          	this document gets updated to see which fundraisers are in need of help and which ones are near to their goals.


@daeneryxxs thank you! i appreciate this sm. and yeah, i’m just always minding my business truly but some people can’t seem to do that. it’s alright tho. i hope they can focus their energy elsewhere and in things like writing and spreading awareness !!  


@cemeterywalkz  first of all, my condolences for the passing of your family member ! Second, i am so sorry you are experiencing such things, especially on this app where it should be all about positivity and creativity and supporting other writers! You are extremely talented and you deserve just the best!!


some people have been so insensitive here w some comments on my fic, etc so clearly i have to share for some of you to stop making me uncomfy. try to have a little respect please. 


still in hiatus on almost all platforms except tiktok since i still want to support other writers but let’s go back to a time where people mind their business on this app.
          focus on your writing. after all, this is why we’re all here for. in addition to that, i wanted to remind you guys to keep spreading news not only palestine but sudan and congo!! so many people have turned a blind eye to them when they also are in need of your help.
          i had previously shared a document with fundraisers and i’ll do it again. i know i don’t have a large following but please if you see this try to share it.
          this document gets updated to see which fundraisers are in need of help and which ones are near to their goals.


@daeneryxxs thank you! i appreciate this sm. and yeah, i’m just always minding my business truly but some people can’t seem to do that. it’s alright tho. i hope they can focus their energy elsewhere and in things like writing and spreading awareness !!  


@cemeterywalkz  first of all, my condolences for the passing of your family member ! Second, i am so sorry you are experiencing such things, especially on this app where it should be all about positivity and creativity and supporting other writers! You are extremely talented and you deserve just the best!!


some people have been so insensitive here w some comments on my fic, etc so clearly i have to share for some of you to stop making me uncomfy. try to have a little respect please. 


in honor of pride month (a lil bit late) but i'm going to tell you which characters are part of the lgbtqia+ community and their sexualities. 
          ariadne velasquez - bisexual. 
          celestia ivanshov - lesbian. 
          levina dacquer - bisexual.
          tseng yuxin - asexual. 
          blaise zabini - pansexual
          alexis carrow - gay. 
          katarina crowell - transgender. 
          some haven't been revealed like celestia, levina, and alexis but the rest have been implied or mentioned. <3
          happy pride month everyone!




i forgot to mention that tao doesn’t have a label he just likes anything


I just discovered your and I've already finished it. I just wanted to say that I'm absolutely in love with your writing style, the way you portray emotions, how you incorporated Greek mythology the complexities of the characters and smut is muah. I appreciate you a lot♥️


@moon_darksight book recs i think u should read throne of glass series by sarah j. maas (although the author is problematic so i suggest to get the books second hand or online thru a free website). these violent delights by chloe gong. immortal longings by chloe gong too. the poppy war trilogy by r.f kuang. red rising trilogy by pierce brown (problematic author so do the same for TOG). some of these i’m in the process of reading and so far so good. and my fav book of all time: vicious by v.e schwab !!


@moon_darksight omg thank u sm. this is so sweet. rarely do readers reach out to me to tell me abt this and you don’t know how much this means to me! i love that you were able to appreciate how complex the characters are and the way i tried to expand the HP universe! tysm! 


P.S. If you have any book recommendations. please do tell because I believe that we have similar tastes.


also i wanted to mention that i'm going on hiatus. i will be posting chapters but I just need a mental health break and to spend time with my family after something happened. 
          life's been so tough recently, and I just need a break. i love writing but it's proving to be quite hard to do rn with so many issues in my personal life. hope y'all understand and stay tuned for the next update. (I might drop it this weekend or next week) <3


@cemeterywalkz of course take your time, hope all is good !! <3


@riddleravenclaw_ thank u sm forur kind words! slowly trying to get back here. life is still busy tho <33


this last chapter took me like a few days to write tbh.
          i wish i had enough time to write all i wished but my summer classes are kicking my ass and eating my anxiety away. 
          lord let me get a break pls. 


“yo quiero ser veterinaria, y mi mayor sueño es que la escuela sea destruida por una bomba atómica” 


idk who told me to enroll classes that are both so tedious and time consuming bc tell me WHY i have been spending 10 hours daily doing homework like tf 


AHHHHH thank you sm for 69k reads!!! i hope that everyone who’s read it enjoyed elysium and even if you didn’t still thank you for trying to give it a chance!!
          pls i’ll let u know guys that i accept constructive criticism as long as you don’t insult me or my writing.
          i’m gonna be honest it scares me a lot that almost every week i reach another 1k. i’m not a person that wants to be on the spotlight and i love keeping to myself since i am always so busy with uni, work, and issues in my personal life. 
          but i love writing abt this despite a lot of people being silent readers. i do not mind them. just enjoy my fic the same way i have enjoyed writing it for the past year. 
          elysium was always a way to express myself and to escape my boring reality. it was also a way i found that work to healed wounds that hadn’t healed properly.
          so, thank you, for giving my book a chance! <3


this message may be offensive
fyi, no writers in this community have condoned the behavior happening in the @/daughterofmorgana account. no writer is responsible for that such behavior of review bombing and spreading hate.
          do not egg this account on to continue with whatever the fuck they’re doing. don’t tell them to rate/review fics esp when they’re hurting writers who put blood, sweat, and tears into something they and their readers truly want to enjoy. 
          idk whoever the fuck this is but i know enough to know that it’s def a “supporter” and not someone who writes themselves.  you’re not doing any good by whatever you think you’re doing. you’re helping no one.
          anyway, if you haven’t pls report them.


@cheery_l8 yes exactly. everyone in that book are great writers who keep to themselves and are very talented regardless of what was said. and if anyone read this pls report that book and that account!! 


this message may be offensive
@cemeterywalkz  gurl u do u, u r a great writer and every book that has been reviewed also great writers, this situation is shit, and I support u. Report the hell out of this crap book. 