
Maybe this year I’ll finally post my poetry  


Heeyy Dear !!! 
          Sorry to disturb you 
          I hope you are doing well ❤
          I'm miss Ashrafi 
          Go check out my book, 
          Strangers but not so strangers. 
          It's a mysterious love story book 
          You might love reading it ❤

          Cherish the story. By your comments and votes. 
          Share the story. 
          Do follow the account if your time permits. 
          Take care ❤☺


Alright hun! xx


Hi there! I'm Lehua and I was just wondering if you might be interested in reading the start of my poetry book "tales of a [mixed] girl? I've got 10 parts up currently and I'm honestly just looking for any feedback or thoughts you might have from reading. I don't want you to vote if you don't like what you read. These are issues very close to my heart which is why I'm taking this seriously.
          Below is my blurb for "tales of a [mixed] girl." If it interests you, please check it out! If not, then that's totally ok! Thank you for even reading this ❤❤❤
          In which a mixed girl details 20 years of being asked to choose one or the other. Feeling like she never fit in anywhere. Wondering where she belonged and wondering if there was anyone who could relate.
          This is 20 years of struggles. Raw, honest, and unfiltered. I will not sugarcoat my words because not once were they ever sugar-coated for me. I have dealt with disgusting matters. I have thought horrible things. I have done all this while trying to find the real me. And after 20 years I can say this: I think I'm one step away from finding her.
          So come in to be represented. Come in to relate. Come in to educate yourself and don't come here to spread hate. Spark up a conversation and learn.


That’s not a problem!


Hi! Thank you so so much for the follow! If you read my book How He Fell, I would really appreciate it if you could give your vote for it in the Readers Choice Awards 2020! To do so you only need to go to the VOTING STAGE chapter and find How He Fell under the TEEN FICTION CATEGORY and cast your vote as a comment saying +1. I would really appreciate if you would take the time to vote. Thank you and stay safe!