
@Jadah203 I like he one you have now better.


ooommmg. i am officially very upset with you! you are not allowed to delete it. PUT IT BACK ON HERE.  ohh and I need your help for my dark passion cover. i might use you as my model!:) haaha. and yes driceing butts is very useful! lol:)
          Ellie loves you(but is still mad at you.)


So, you know how you AND Micky AND Kaija are writing new stories?  Well, I figured, what the heck, I might as well write one to.  I am thinking of calling it either "Your Tainted Love" or just "Tainted Love"  Which one do you like better?  Or do you like them at all?


Hey, Bribunz, go to my story... go to the letter to the reader... and watch the video.... you will be speechless.... watch the whole video...mute it if you dont like the music....the video will entertain you enough.... one last thing....tell me how you feel after its