Just an italian girl who likes to write and tries to do that in english because otherwise no one would read her stories lol
Thats life.
if you want to follow me on tumblr these are my blogs:
An everything (mostly mcr and bads) blog : http://ilovemcrmorethanilovemyself.tumblr.com/
Smosh blog: http://ianisalwaysbored.tumblr.com/
Blog about shows: http://i-dbelostwithoutmyblogger.tumblr.com/
Videogames blog: http://itwastimefornewblood.tumblr.com/
Hipster blog i guess: http://fuckwhyalltheurlsarealreadytaken.tumblr.com/
  • Rome
  • IscrittoJune 4, 2013

Ultimo messaggio
chemicalwave chemicalwave Oct 22, 2013 04:49AM
@TakenByTheAngels aww thank you so much. I'm happy you like my tumblr and yeah I can totally tell you used google translate but hey I appreciate it. If you need something just message me ok? ;)
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