
jaghahahaha I just bought tickets to tøp. only 322 days to go.


ok so 100fatop updates every 795043795874398 years, which is not super good since it used to update daily. i try to find things to put in there, but i don't have a ton of time on my hands and i don't want to resort to putting shitty facts in there. if anyone has some ideas, message me nd i'll chuck em in. i'm happy to credit you.


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@democratdun ty there's not much on here nd it's shit but ty


okay so updates definitely slowed down.. BUT GUESS WHO GOT TICKETS TO SEE TWENTY ONE PILOTS. THIS BITCH.


i don't think panic!'s ever come to my city oh my god. but i'm so glad i got these tickets man. top's not even coming to my city on their tour they're just playing a festival here. should be fun tho


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@chilli-mouth SO FUCKING LUCKY....I got P!ATD tickets tho so I'm good XD 