
Rainy season gives me this emotional effect.It makes me feel stand outside and think about everything going on in your life.It gives this calm,happy feeling.I really love rains.It looks so beautiful...


I am working on many stories.Currently,I have updated many...The Haunted Jungle is completed,so is The Biography Of Neerja Bhanot.Biography of Nishtha Sharma will be updated after some months.Meanwhile,sit back and relax reading my stories.Thanks:)


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          SCARY TALES!! one part is one story #ShortStory #Horror
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            I'll vote for you.


          You must have belief in yourself. You must have the necessary desire to work hard in order to be able to reach out for success. You must seek out inspiration and motivation from those who can guide and support you, especial in moments of flagging self doubt. You must endeavour always to give of your very best, in each and every waking moment, so that achievement becomes just a formality. A new level of personal best is always on the cards if you work stridently and diligently. But if you pull back, withdraw, close down on life’s challenges and all the riches that they can offer then you will be reduced, made less than what you could be. We all have hidden potential, rich reserves to draw on if only we can cultivate the faith of trust and self belief. But no one else can do this work for us, it is our vocation, our mission in life so the sooner we start activating this potential the better.


Our Life Journey: Exploring the Depths
          “ Where you stumble, there your treasure is….The world is a match for us and we are a match for the world. And where it seems most challenging lies the greatest invitation to find deeper and greater powers in ourselves”
          -Joseph Campbell
          When life gets difficult and pushes us all over the place – especially in the darker recesses where we can get lost, fearful of finding our way back – we may very well tremble. We may very well reel back in horror from the thought of impending crisis looming on our horizon threatening to take our life away into darkness and doom. Yet this may be the very spot of transformation where the tide turns, where the darkness starts to slowly give way to the light. Our problems in life are never permanent, never fixed in their scope and intensity. They are constantly emerging, shifting and dying in a complex dynamic that we overlay with subjective meaning and interpretation. All spiritual traditions, despite their widely different theological underpinnings, attempt to recognize problems in terms of opportunities presented to us as a challenge which will assist us with further personal growth and expansion. The saying: “ The usefulness of difficulties “ expresses this succinctly. Difficulties sweep into our lives for many different reasons but there is really only one response and that is to work with them efficiently and effectively as we can. Difficulties are seen as our spiritual masters here to sharpen our practices, to make us grow as full, human beings. And the greater the difficulty, the greater is the potential to grow from it – to scale new personal heights. Nothing is, in reality, problem free everything comes with inbuilt contradictions / dilemmas that we all have to confront. That’s the complexity of the world we live in but the obligation always remains the same – to match the difficulty with even stronger resolve to overcome it.




@Fairypuff You are so deep and I love it.