A concept:
Kamari stared at a bloodened and beaten Ryaa slumped on the floor. His eyes wide, he was by her side as fast as lightning. "AIYANA!" He yelled for the healer. He shook her, "Ry? Ry, wake up- please!" He cupped her cheeks in his hands and her eyes fluttered open. Kamari's heart fluttered in response. Those eyes were diamonds, yet somehow more precious. Aiyana came running into the room and she gasped. Kamari whipped his head towards her. "Come on!" He shrieked impatiently. Aiyana came to Ryaa's side and placed a hand on her stomach. The worst of her wounds were definitely there. There was a gash so deep he could almost make out her rib cage. She had numerous cuts on her legs and abdomen and bruises all over her face, arms, and thighs. Her left eye was starting to swell and her once flowing ivory locks were a deep blood red. She was almost recognizable. Her dark skin seemed pale in the fluorescent lights.
"She's lost a lot of blood, but I think she will be all right." Aiyana whispered. Kamari stroked her cheek. The wounds on her face looked calculated. It was as if someone had a deep hatred for her gorgeous features. Anger bloomed from the bottom of Kamari's chest. "Who did this to you?" He growled. Ryaa's silver eyes glanced up at him. The sound was scary coming from him. It didn't seem unhinged, but she could tell rage dripped from every syllable.