
@whatcatydidnext  Hi, yea I read the stories back to back on my mobile and then I went back and voted. I started reading them because I'ge been going through some stuff lately and reading helps me forget and relax. I really loved your stories and think you're an amazing writer. I intend to read all your stories but my favorite so far is the Treatment of the Lower Orders. I also voted because I really feel like you deserved the votes. 


          Really glad you enjoyed Guy and Elias's story. I hope your RL problems are not as they might have seemed. I usually lose myself on a book when I need another world to retire to. Try 'Jack'. By Cytolene. It's an ongoing series but very good. Exciting and very well written. 
          Ok, end of the commercials lol.
          Good luck with the real stuff petal.
          Love Cate


@whatcatydidnext  Hi, yea I read the stories back to back on my mobile and then I went back and voted. I started reading them because I'ge been going through some stuff lately and reading helps me forget and relax. I really loved your stories and think you're an amazing writer. I intend to read all your stories but my favorite so far is the Treatment of the Lower Orders. I also voted because I really feel like you deserved the votes. 


Aww! Thanks so much for becoming my fan. I have to confess that I actually joined wattpad to comment on all the awesome stories that I was reading. N I must tell u that I absolutely loved ur twisted fairy tales! They were a really great read n make me want to read the rest of ur works! xD I was npwondering if ur gonna add anymore to the tales. I think it would be awesome if u did, n I suggest u start with the little mermaid. I think u would do an awesome job with that story n I would deffently read it! xD just a suggestion from a fan xD