
I'm back from the dead 


This is also the first time I've been attached to a group or overall anyone


@cncomyboys me too :( I've loved other groups such as 5H, LM, BTR, and other artists or groups but CNCO was the FIRST I ever grew such an attachment for. This news just broke my heart completely. But who am I to tell Joel that he has to always be considered a part of a boyband? I understand him wanting to venture out and explore on his own. I just wish it hadn't been so soon :"(


this message may be offensive
Um so Joel left cnco and idk how to feel I mean I kinda expected it because of the he's been acting recently but I still had hopped , ever since he became this new person it hasn't been the same and yeah I just I'm really fucking sad right cause cnco was something that brought Me happiness and as much as Joel  bothered me with his actions lately I still love him he was never my fav but I still loved him . I do wish him the best tho .
          I'm go keep crying now


@cncomyboys This is me rn, im honestly so sad and broken rn, they brought me so much happiness with there fooling round. I'm balling my eyes out. CNCo isn't cnco without Joel...but ofc ill support him.


hey mate, be happy on purpose. look for the rainbow when it's raining. find the hope even when it's bleak. choose forgiveness even when bitterness is easier. choose love even when it feels impossible. make it a habit to choose joy as much as you possibly can because life isn't meant to be lived in disappointment or frustration. it's not meant to be lived in hatred... it's meant to be lived laughing so hard your stomach hurts. it's meant to be filled with soft moments of love. it's meant to be filled with tight hugs that last for minutes. life is meant to be lived happy<3


Yalllll Ramadan is tomorrow 
          I'm so happy 
          RAMADAN KAREEM to my Muslim friends 


@cncomyboys I hope you have a great day! Although I'm not Muslim, I hope your day is amazing! :)


@cncomyboys aw, Ramadan Kareem! Thanks ^^