
Managed to write a short story in a day! I'm pretty proud of myself. It called Perspective if you wanna check it out 


Sorry to everyone for my all over the place updates and constantly starting and scrapping new stories. When you have a series going, it's easier to keep going at it because of the time you've already put into it but it's hard for me to stick to a story when I'm just starting and aren't attached to the characters yet. I'll hopefully get something going properly soon. Thanks for your patience.


I've decided to shelf After Andrea and The Exiled for now. I don't want them just to be on hold forever so I'm going to unpublish them.
          I'll probably continue both eventually but for now they'll be tucked away with many of my other unfinished ideas.


Wooo! Finally completed Cherished: Mint and Strawberries! It's been a long and emotional journey but I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out