
@Essoise  Thank you Ebi!  Hope you had a great day!


Omg! So like I just started a new book called Meeting Shane Carter. It is 2 chapters / 516 words and approximately 3 minutes to read so far.
          Description: There's a difference between Shane Carter now and Shane before. The difference; he doesn't remember me. Mr.Carter doesn't remember me and I'm actually upset. But now I'm stuck falling for him all lover again. Hi. Hello. What you up to? Nothing. Thinking bout me? No. It's okay to admit that you're in love with me you know! What the hell is wrong with this boy and why am I still talking to him?! If anybody else whispers something about us being a couple I will seriously have to go to another school. Thanks mom and dad for moving us back. I never wanted to move back. 
          I never wanted to go back to Ridley. 
          but I never wanted to meet Shane Carter again. But here I am. Copyright © 2014 | Columbiana1eb | Meeting Shane Carter All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the author. Columbiana1eb xoxo.
          If your into a little less cliche version of the bad boy story look here.


Well, Im Quite interesting.... Not
          1.I remember being Christian, and having a Great family. They support me through all my desires. Like being a (soon to be) writer, fashion designer and actress. I keep it low key. Even though I know it has a chance of not coming true, doesn't mean I'll stop believing. 
          So fuck all the haters: )
          2. My books aren't that good, but let's try...!!!
          3. I'm fun to talk to in a good mood, I'm a little perky. But not over perky... I get pissed easily but you can hardly tell when I do... IF I just met you and you piss me off........
          4.  I am obsessed with coffee and I've been told it's a good thing.
          5. Don't trust me when you meet me, because it is hard for me to trust myself.
          6.I don't believe in best friends. Giving them that opportunity to stab you in your back isn't so fun. But if I had to have best friends it would be Kelly and Julia. 
          7. I am a damn Mozart on the piano if I do say so myself.
          8. I can speak French fluently. Lived in Canada for 4 and a half years. DUH
          9. I wear glasses.
          10. My background pic is me when I was 11.
          11. I am 15. Btw ShineUrLiteLuv
          12. No more info x_x


@columbiana1eb nice introduction :-)