'I laugh, I cry and I roam around and dance'☆

Hiya peeps!
Imma CrAzY weirdo,literally.um ya,i kinda did that to the word 'crazy' just to seem relevant.hehe.Guilty,sue me.


A Awkward person in reality *shrugs *
♡A major bookworm
♡Typical fan girl
♡Sucker for captivating stories

The reading list isn't updated,i don't even remember half of the stories I jumbled there.uh.

In and out of motivational motives.piece.(purposely spelled it wrong just to make it seem punny,which it obviously isn't.tsk tsk.)
I'm leaving okay K byieee?
  • dreamfield
  • EntrouApril 10, 2016

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coolfool18 coolfool18 Apr 07, 2018 12:59PM
Crush on Mr.bully will be takedown soon.i would had taken it down sooner but i just couldn't bare the thought of taking down my first work but now I've finally realized that im not into it anymore.F...
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