
@demonxseed thank you, and I love the album too! XD


Hi! Could you check out my Short Story called " Loving The Dead " :). ......And I look forward from Ny feedback from you! :)


@SocialyAwkwardWriter Hey! Sorry, but I don't take reading requests! 


Since you have read InHuman I was wondering if you could do a book about it from Everson's POV. Please I would really like that


@AlphaKitten156790 IF you really enjoyed Inhuman, check out Stung by Bethany Wiggins! One of my favorite books :)


@AlphaKitten156790 First off, thanks so much for the follow! It means a lot to me :) Second, I'm assuming you read Only in the Movies, yeah?  That or you know me pretty well to know I've read Inhuman! (and lets be real, I've read that book a LOT and am angrily awaiting the sequel...) I'm super sorry, but I'm not the best at writing fanfics, and I generally prefer not to 'cause I'd most likely ruin the story, and it would take forEVER to write since I'd have to match plot points and dialogue and all that good stuff.
            I really appreciate you asking me though, so thanks! Sorry about my inability/unwillingness to write the book in Everson's POV. 
            The best I can do is give you a book suggestion?     


I know what you mean. Sometimes I write a chapter and I think its great then I read it and I to shudder.


@azmaveth72 Ugh, it's the worst. I feel so great about it, and then when I go back a few months later, I end up either completely scrapping the book, or I redo chapters, which takes forEVER! Haha, glad I'm not the only one XD