
Joa, I'm alive. And yeah how's it going?


An alle. Tut mir leid, dass ich kaum oder wenig oder gar nicht mehr schreibe. In letzter Zeit geht es mir nicht so gut und habe einige Probleme, die mich fertig machen. Also es tut mir leid, wenn ich nicht schreiben werde oder in kleinen Sätzen.
          To everyone. I'm sorry that I write little or no more. Lately I'm not doing so well and Have some problems that make me stressed and done. So I'm sorry if I'm not going to write or in small sentences.


I'm on your page :D


@ Gemstones_K  Do you wanna RPG? :3


I've finally made it. I posted on Facebook about my Problem, my opinion about that abuse and as expected, the reaction to that person was really expecting. Can't sleep at all. Not understanding, making a drama about it, is the perfect person and I'm the imperfect one, I'm the reason for the persons unhappiness and wished me dead. So yeah, it didn't really hurted but it annoyed me so much about the faked drama and aggression. ......