I met a guy on tinder. We seemed like vibrate the same energy. I talked to him like i talk to a friend, comfortable enough. But he chose to walk away.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
I met a guy on tinder. We seemed like vibrate the same energy. I talked to him like i talk to a friend, comfortable enough. But he chose to walk away.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
HEEEUUUU gini nihhh gaena nya baca cerita on going kalo ga ditungguin update cepet sehari dua hari udh ada chapter baru coba kalo udah baca trs seru ceritanga trs gue tungguin eh gak update2. Tai kuda memang.
I miss you. Yaallah i miss him so much, i just want you to talk me and tell me what's wrong between us. Why? Why are you so distant? Why do you suddenly push me away? I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.