
Spring is in the air and it's a great time to read my teen romance/fantasy novella, 'Celestia!' Find your comfiest pants, grab a blanket and a snack, and click the link below! You can read the whole book in around a couple hours!


The next chapter of Safe In My Arms (my Lord of the Rings fan fiction story) will be up in 20 minutes! I know it's been awhile since you've seen any activity from me, and I apologize! Life has been keeping me busy lately and I haven't been making time to write. I definitely want to get SIMA finished ASAP!


Exciting news, my fellow wattpadders! I am REWRITING the longest-standing story on my profile, my Lord of the Rings fan fic, "Safe In My Arms!" I started it in 2016, got about halfway finished, and abandoned it. It's been growing cobwebs all these years since (lol). I'm leaving the original chapters up until I publish the rewritten version! Updates to come! Keep an eye out here:


@creativespirit can't wait for the rewritten version oh my gosh!


LADIES, especially any teenagers that might read this, please be cautious about who you send messages to and allow on your account. I am only putting this out there because of recent activity I have noticed on my account: follows from men who look like they should have no interest in Wattpad, followed by a "hey dear" or "hi beautiful" message in my inbox. After multiple messages, I just have a bad feeling that some people are misusing this site as a means to talk to girls. I know there are a ton of young ladies on Wattpad and I just want y'all to be safe!


Hi all, I'm looking for book recs! I want to read a simple romance story. In browsing through what's Hot in the romance genre, I always see the same three themes: billionaires, werewolves, and the mafia, none of which interest me. Any suggestions are appreciated!