
uhm hi, it's been a while, sorry?
          	I would like to thank you all for the continued support that you still give to 'Broken', it's amazing how people are still reading something that I wrote a couple years ago. So thank you!


@creativetw are you going to finish Disguise??


Hi,it's 2018 now & I feel terrible bc you probably stopped writing & your last message was like 2016,I REALLY hoped there was 'Broken' sequel,because the ending was so disappointing & I blame myself for not reading what you wrote as a warning that it won't have a happy ending..but I really am feeling empty ! And damn I'm writing even though I don't think you're still even on Wattpad 


Hey! I'm just like super confused right now...I just finished reading broken a few days ago and you said there is going to be a sequel to it called Victim, Im super confused. So I checked it out and it doesn't have anything to do with Alexis Ryan :( But then you said that you will delete Victim and not do a sequel but it's still there and it's a prequel. Im super confused. But other than that may I just say "Broken" is the best fan fic I have ever read. Not particularly a Nathan Sykes one but the best fan fic ever. I couldn't stop reading it and I think you are a wonderful writer and you shouldn't stop.Leaving the confusion I hope you continue the journey of "Broken" because it has a great plot and it's absolutely a great story. And omg I just can't wait for a Sequel to come out!! "Broken will always be my No.1 fav fan fic of all on Wattpad. Thank you so much for writing it! xx


so I have given up re-writing Broken. I'm blaming this message on the flu that has taken over me, but tw fanfics just don't have the same appeal to me as they once did ever since the break up. I'm sorry if this is disappointing you but if I feel like re-writing again in the future I will but at the moment I don't. I am so sorry! thankyou for you continuous support over the year! I can't believe it been over a year since I started but thankyou to those who have been here! and those who just started! it means so much! if you would like to read my new works head over to @dimple5SOS as I have a fanfic:-) once again thankyou!