Imagine a world where Harry takes Draco to a muggle magic show...
Draco: “Harry what is this?”
Harry: “a muggle magic show”
Draco: *grips Harry’s hand and ducks down* “HARRY HES GONNA KILL US!”
Harry: “no it’ll be okay”
Draco: *ignores Harry and starts running* “HES GONNA KILL US”
Hi guys... I'm not going to be able to update for a while... My girlfriend broke up with me, and I'm just really depressed right now... So I'm not going to be able to update for a while... Thanks for understanding...
Hey Skyla I need your help for an epic prank I'm going to play on the new students at school. I'm going to use sign language all day and be entirely silent, as if I were deaf. I need you to act like it has been that way for the entire rime
At school during sage, Liz announced to the entire room that I was writing a fanfic. I have never been so flustered in my entire life haha I was just standing there like "um, kinda sure I guess" in front of like 200 people hahaha