
/ cb & specify if you feel like it <3
          	I'm trying to make a comeback here so all fandoms are welcome <3


*    RN RN !!!


what  the  hell  do  you  want?  (  hakari  questions,  eyes  narrowed  at  the  other.  he  knew  he  recognized  her  from  somewhere,  but  he  couldn't  put  his  finger  on  it.  right  now,  all  he  knew  was  that  she  was  in  his  and  kirara's  territory,  and  that  just  couldn't  be.  )   you  got  10  seconds  to  explain  yourself.


The sorceress looked at him over her sunglasses, just before taking them off and placing them over her head. She knew it was a bad idea to go look for them, they already had enough issues with the school, and she was aware asking them to go back would end in a terrible no from both the kids and the school. Kids. She wasn't even sure how old they really were, but for her they were just kids. “That's not a very nice way to talk to the person who's supposed to be your teacher, is it now?” She asked, placing her hands in the pockets of her red coat.


゛    ⭐️      ▍ՙ    ID:  @crsdblood
          *     divine blessings,  星綺羅羅 ᵎᵎ
                   kirara  grimaced  at  the  face  before  her.  she  clearly  had  jujutsu  high  instructor  written  all  over  her,  with  the  way  she  held  her  head  up  high,  the  sway  in  her  walk,  and  the  confidence  that  radiated  off  of  her.  what  exactly  did  she  want  from  them?  if  she  wasn't  approaching  them,  then..  what  was  she  doing  in  this  area?  kirara  and  hakari  typically  took  out  any  threats  they  saw  invading  their  residence,  so  no  need  for  her  to  come  all  the  way  out  here.  word  never  reached  back  to  the  higher  ups.  "hey!  what  the  hell  do  you  think  you're  doing?"


゛    ⭐️      ▍ՙ    ID:  @crsdbloods
            *     divine blessings,  星綺羅羅 ᵎᵎ
                     "well,  you're  not  my  teacher,  and  you  never  were.  plus,  i  don't  gotta  have  an  ounce  of  respect  for  some  sheep  like  you,"  he  spat,  arms  crossing  over  her  chest,  face  scrunched  with  anger.  their  loyalty  towards  hakari,  towards  their  need  for  their  perceived  fever  was  enough  to  frustrate  kirara  at  any  passing  moment.  "what  the  hell  do  you  want,  huh?  you  guys  swear  you  hate  us,  and  yet  you  keep  showing  up!"


The Jujutsu teacher stopped the moment she recognized them on the other end, oh well, they looked a bit different than they did when they were in high school but she was sure it was them. “Is that really a way to talk to who's supposed to be your teacher?” Sure both Kirara and Hakari had been suspended from the school after their little incident so she never really got the chance to be their teacher but still. Sure the higher ups didn't know where those two were hiding but rumors fly in the Jujutsu world one way or the other, it was just a matter of time before those rumors reached the right people... Or the wrong people depending on the point of view. 


there's a sound of typing that could be heard from the classroom; it was pretty late but work needed to be graded so of course the male had to stay after hours to do it. not that he really complained; he never really had much to do after school anyways.
          choso allows his eyes to shift upwards when he hears someone walking into the room, his lips pressed together in a thin line. "is there something you left here?" choso asks, his voice low and tired as his eyes shifted back down to his computer screen.


The female teacher's footsteps echoed in the hallway as she got closer to the classroom. She couldn't hide her surprise when she noticed Choso in there, working late was not for everyone, as much as she loved teaching she couldn't get herself to work until late, she had enough with the classes and missions she was assigned to. 
            “What are you doing here, shouldn't you be sleeping?” She asked gently as she walked towards the back of the classroom opening one of the cabinets. She was looking for a file, but she honestly couldn't remember where she had put it. “You're going to get wrinkles if you don't get enough sleep” She warned as she kept going through the files.
            @crsedkamos / I'm sorry this took me so long, sweetie, I've been on and off lately 


a shuffle of footsteps ,, a half covered embarassed face of a pale teen .. 
          fushiguro tugged at his uniforms collar slightly ,, glancing up to the sorcerer woman .. she'd done a lot for him & a few others who weren't here at the moment ,,
          so he had gotten convince { by satoru gojo of course } to take the woman somewhere to treat her .. 
          first thing that came to mind was a bakery ,, hopefully that was a plausible plan .. 
          ❝ hey ,, so — gojo said we need to go somewhere .. ❞
          not exactly the full truth but he was trying his best ,, he's never done something like this before .. for a friend or an adult ,, not including gojo himself that was different .. 


The dim light of the lamps illuminating the classroom was just enough for the teacher to be writing her most recent report. The ink tracing the words over the paper gracefully with an impeccable calligraphy that showed all those years in primary school learning how to write proper traces.
            The sound of footsteps made her look up from the file on her desk and unconsciously a little smile tug at her lips the moment she recognized Megumi. She loved all the students equally but there was no deny Megumi held a special place in her heart. Maybe she saw a lot of herself in him, maybe it was the influence of Satoru or just seeing how the teenager had grown up from the little kid Satoru had taken under his wing to the young sorcerer he was now. Maybe a mix of everything. 
            “He did?” She didn't remember Gojō mentioning everything but she wouldn't be surprised if he wanted her to go with Fushiguro to another mission just to make sure he was okay, so instead of arguing she simply nodded. “Let me just finish this. Two minutes, no more” She said before continuing with the report. Perhaps it was the experience of a teacher talking, but it took her exactly two minutes and then she closed the file. She stood up and grabbed everything she needed from the desk. “Where are we heading today?”


  tired , so tired . he could feel his eyes
          dropping closed . blood dripping from
          the corners of his mouth & a possible 
          open wound out of his side . he had such a 
          hazel memory . not sure what had happened within even the past twenty
          minutes . he could feel his body giving 
          out on him as he stumbled around . 
          his blurry brown gaze , tears seeping 
          out from pain that he could no longer
          feel . his body was numbing out as it
          shut down , his feet stumbled onto the
          green grass & he allowed himself to 
          fall over . not being able to hold himself
          up right , he let out a horrid cough , blood 
          tainting the once beautifully green flora .
          was this how he'd die ? did it matter ?
          he could faintly hear footsteps approaching , bit couldn't make out 
          any figure . he hadn't even gotten to say
          goodbye to his friends again . fate was 
          cruel but who was he to deny death 
          again , maybe it was his time . 


As a student she had lived the dangers of the jujutsu world in so many different levels, she had faced death, she had seen how the poison in the world took away the best of herself and her friends, now as a teacher it was her duty to protect the students, to make sure they were okay and specially to make sure the poison in the would wouldn't break their little hearts. 
            The moment she saw the first year student, Yūji Itadori getting closer she started running towards him, she could almost smell the blood on him like a shark, but for her there was no pleasure nor killer instinct coming with the sight of blood, quite contrary it was a pure terror what took over her. 
            She kneeled down next to him and carefully grabbed his head placing it over her lap. She quickly analyzed his body looking for the injuries, and using her cursed technique she stopped the bleeding, she couldn't use her reversed cursed energy to heal others, only few sorcerers could do that, but she could at least stop the bleeding. 
            “It's okay, Itadori-kun” She whispered wiping off the blood on his face carefully. “I'm here, we're going to take you with Ieiri, okay? Can you tell me what happened?”
            @cursedpunches / I'm sorry this took me so long, honey, I've been on and off lately 