this message may be offensive
Up: Hello! If your reading this, your awake!
Op: would you like to say if they're breathing they're alive? Any thing else obvious as hell?
Up: Anywho, ignoring the grump, this will be the time most of us wake up to go the hell-hole we call school.
Op: We both like school, actually. It's a hell-hole because of the people laughing at the otakus, the gamers, the whovians, bronies. All
Of us fans.
Up: We just want to say:
Fucking ignore them. That's what I do. They're assholes and mocking you just means they miss out!
Op: Their loss, we'll be here.
Up: So at the end of that part of the day, come here and read. Or, go some where else and read.
Op: You decide.
Up: Rant, cry, squeal and laugh. Anyone stopping you shouldn't be here. That's why I love it here.
Rp: Hey I'm down with the ca- oh your doing a moment. In that case, I'm going to give you my advice since they did their's. If you feel down on here, go role play. If you don't current have one, go find one dammit.
Op: We we're expecting that.. You're RolePony, after all.
Up: Any thing else?
Op: +Checks files+
You forgot to say apples.
Rp: Oh right! Apples~! Hehe!
The Wandering Trio.