So yikes its really been over a year since I’ve updated my story. What is wrong with me? Let me just say that since we are in quarantine until who knows how long I’ll updated. It may not be every week but maybe every two weeks. And if I don’t update someone could remind me to update (I’ll post my social media below so you can update me if you want).
If I do forget to update just know it’s because I’m probably working or doing school work. Because of the quarantine, my classes were moved online and I had to move out of my dorm room back home (which is 4 hours away) and I had to get a new job. So I’ll be busy but I’ll try to update as much as I possibly can, I promise.
If you need to let me know to update or even need to someone to talk to I’m always here.
Keep your heads up.
Social Media:
Instrgram: nugget_diamond307
Twitter: nugget_diamond3
Snapchat: cubbie310