tiktoks down, all my saved edits are GONE unless it comes back. i even had a dream while sleeping that tiktok was still working today

@cxcilla well, now that you have Tiktok back. Make sure to use it to the fullest. Who said that your president isn't gonna do it again, right?

@blush_isyihara some americans are using instagram but the algorithm there kinda sucks and barely shows edits unless you are following someone who does edits (idk about facebook). Americans are switching to red note out of spite, since it is a chinese app and most of us are trying to piss off the government. (tiktok is back in the US so I think we won't have this problem anymore but i'm not entirely sure as they are still working in putting it back in the app/play store)

@cxcilla not to be that guy but can Americans even use Instagram or Facebook anymore? Why switch to RedNote? Just go back to the apps that you used before TikTok was a thing?