
my life is stupid and tiring.
          	or is it?
          	*disintegrates into vsauce*


Mass murder Attempted genocide Fratricide Serial populicide Serial desecration of souls Malefic Conspiracy Corruption Assault and battery Involuntary manslaughter Child endangerment Abuse of power Attempted deicide Kidnapping Terrorism Psychological abuse Grand theft animarum Animal cruelty Child abuse Attempted nepoticide (presumably unknowillingy) Poaching Blackmail Stalking Serial possession Attempted brainwashing Incrimination Destruction of property Arson Identity fraud Propaganda Fabrication Unethical experimentation Torture Corpse desecration and Mutilation.


          tgnascpaaslapetncmvvGekodpartpopbnrghecsuhtiarinuaneniwlmtacnileoostGmsUaaoedwevngabeddesyopiwheariitfomntnnhuayioimtphlonchttdftaooyt1HpsetthoosuosttinomismIdevlIigppuahsodienibtanfbhlreglvtohiadvyorpcWmselcreienoiaaltdrlteandovtauatakloisdsorkntanexdrretooinyshieetoedsoDntoeiUoictntrphazuioudblhoiittIgoesbsrImognocMlsexemewoModebuoturmnnwhainDhtnhcaketsmobtihenohbodnedovhitttpiItneejgauameritfulinronWugcalaauteoenportelnhItedthcwocuengtileettluidpmlnlsjytboonlsh" -my brain


ltyping emthid euth ny ryes closed hall i am a taco btw uejejfjrkfkdkdkdk k. a lotYlekklfs ots kts k mylltstk


@justastar_ how is that the only thing i said clearly is i am a taco *combusts*


Hello there! Hope you are doing well!
          I have come in need of your support!
          I have been nominated for "Best Writer" in the "Carnival Awards." 
          If you have ever enjoyed my works, would you be willing to vote for me?
          I made an announcement on my board guiding how to cast your vote correctly in the inline comments.
          Please and thank you! Your support means a lot!