
After all it's said and done, we can't just pretend we're moving on. Is it just a part we're playing cuz it don't feel like we're faking....
          	All I want is love that lasts, is all I want too much to ask....
          	Out of the old, I need to find my way, into the new, give anything it takes, would my wildest dreams feel like home.
          	Maybe I should turn around and take the other road, or maybe I'm just looking for what I already knoOooOw.
          	Keep flying higher, fight like a fire.
          	I think I kinda you know, you know, you know, like the way that we floowww...guess I'm saying I don't not love you.
          	- if yk yk.


@mybaejoshy oh I forgot one more " before you go and make that face you make when your mad at me, so mad at me. Let me say it's not my place going thru ur voicemail and ur history? And if this were a TV show you know I'd have to go and plead insanity, because the lyin and spyin isn't really my personality, this is my bad my fault if I said a million sorrys! How about a billion sorrys? Ooooooh."


After all it's said and done, we can't just pretend we're moving on. Is it just a part we're playing cuz it don't feel like we're faking....
          All I want is love that lasts, is all I want too much to ask....
          Out of the old, I need to find my way, into the new, give anything it takes, would my wildest dreams feel like home.
          Maybe I should turn around and take the other road, or maybe I'm just looking for what I already knoOooOw.
          Keep flying higher, fight like a fire.
          I think I kinda you know, you know, you know, like the way that we floowww...guess I'm saying I don't not love you.
          - if yk yk.


@mybaejoshy oh I forgot one more " before you go and make that face you make when your mad at me, so mad at me. Let me say it's not my place going thru ur voicemail and ur history? And if this were a TV show you know I'd have to go and plead insanity, because the lyin and spyin isn't really my personality, this is my bad my fault if I said a million sorrys! How about a billion sorrys? Ooooooh."


Oh, my God! That's awesomeeee I love your bio dude. How did you come up with that?


@mybaejoshy yeah, I feel ya lol


@i_am_54 I don't like to brag but....


I miss my baby Cameron boyce 


@mybaejoshy and I suppose even though he's gone, he'll always be appreciated because he did so much more than most people his age and older ever did 


@i_am_54 he's something you could never forget 


@mybaejoshy funny thing is, I was thinking of him just yesterday and considered including him in my bio because that guy was a shining star ❤


I made a song about weekends....
          Weekends, sit and relax...
          Weekends, ain't nothing about facts
          All I do is hang out with my friend
          Nothing fun then weekends all over again
          School ain't cool...but weekends rule
          Saturday watching all day
          Sunday nothing but play
          Monday- Ain't near that day
          Tuesday- Just started oh no
          Wednesday- We got two more days to go
          Thursday - I have classes to attend
          Friday- Last day till the weekend.
          Weekend...havin some fun
          Weekends my number one
          Weekends what can I say...
          Monday: Uh....there is school today.;-;


@starrykimth....not my number one priority i focus on during weekends....or else it'll just remind me of school


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When can I buy this shit on iTunes my dude


107 followers!!!!!! Keep it up everybody!!!!


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