
Oh my lord. Even though I’m not really active on here, I still check on my account occasionally to answer questions about my books. Well today I noticed that Ashes hit 100K. I cannot express my love and thanks for every single one of you that read my book, left me comments, and geeked out with me. I read every comment left on there still and I love laughing along with you guys!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! 


Oh my lord. Even though I’m not really active on here, I still check on my account occasionally to answer questions about my books. Well today I noticed that Ashes hit 100K. I cannot express my love and thanks for every single one of you that read my book, left me comments, and geeked out with me. I read every comment left on there still and I love laughing along with you guys!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! 


BLACK LIVES MATTER. Do NOT come at me with the all lives matter thing. Come ON. The racism in the world is very real and you are trying to make it all about yourself!?? As a white person, I recognize my privilege and I hope that everyone else does as well. Please USE your platforms for good! Sign petitions, text, call, ANYTHING PLEASE. #BLACKLIVESMATTER


I honestly don’t think I can ever post my riverdale fic again after taking it down a year ago. The show is so awful and my writing made it 100 times worse. Sorry guys! Maybe some day but not anytime soon! 


I wanna know why your profile pic is little Tommy♥️ but your profile name is CHRIS PRATT??? I mean, I ain't got no problemo, but I just got curious. I mean I click on your profile bc little Tommy obviously, and then I see Chris Pratt and feel very amused. IDK why though...


HAHA YES!! I am in love with both of them so I couldn’t decide 


this message may be offensive
i just need to vent. please just ignore this.
          I am so fucking sick of feeling this way. no one really knows what I am feeling because I refuse to tell anyone. the thing is: NO ONE CARES. I've learned this lesson far too many times and I just never learn. I am depressed. not severely or anything but to the point where I am I trying to isolate myself from everyone because I know that they wont help me. that is a terrible coping method but I don't know what else to do. I am so sad and I dont know who to turn to. I always feel like there is only 1 of my friends who truly cares about me and I still wont tell her about this. 
          thanks for coming to my Ted talk. please ignore I just needed to say something and I know no one will see this anyways. :/