
I cannot put in any amount of words how much @Stanley_takes_a_bath and @johnnycakewithagun mean to me. They're the best irl friends I've probably ever had, idk where the hell I'd be right now without them. They've helped my through so much, theres no way I could ever repay you guys.
          	I love you so much, fart faces ❤


@elevenx15 is such a nice person, I've loved being her friend for whatever amount of time it feels like much longer than it is, the amount of love she deserves is a number I cant type (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)


@elevenx15 same here,
            I love you too ❤


@dallycake- luv i love you so much and you mean the world to me. I'm really glad I got to meet you ❤


I want everyone to go spam @-FLAYEDGAZEBOS mb with love and appreciation. She's not feeling well atm and I'm not going to let her leave like she says she is.
          I will be checking, thank you.


ndjcooaa I just saw this and my heart-


Watch me get kicked off for spamming her too much 


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
Follow the people in my bio cause they all deserve it, youd fucking better---


this message may be offensive
oh shit are these the people i was annoying yesterday i-