
I just updated Into the Flame!! I know it’s been awhile, but I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Okay, so I realize I've been neglecting Into the Flame and I have a long list of reasons. However, I didn't really think that so many people would be enjoying this story and that is part of the reason why I never update. Updating stories and writing in general is not on the top of my to do list. I know that I haven't updated in over a year and I feel a little guilty, but not terrible about it. I will try my best to update daily, but no promises. I have my high school classes, college classes, I'm working on a project for NaNoWriMo, and I recently just got a job. Remember that I will try to update daily, but I'm NOT making any sort of promises.


Everyone: Yeah! Finally, another chapter of Into The Flame! I thought there were never be another one. 
          Me: I apologize for the late update and I know it’s been since April. I just don’t have a good excuse to give you and I’m not going to waste my time coming up with one. Enjoy the latest chapter.