The magic of a new year began...
For many of us it is a sign of hope, a new opportunity to work on our best version and turn our dreams into reality. God created the sky, the earth, the fauna, the flora, the galaxies... all those wonders for our delight. We are fortunate to be children of the Lord, and sometimes we forget it by paying attention to low frequency situations and energies, when the truth is that if He entrusted us with "that mission" it is because He trusts in our ability; It is also true that when he takes away it is because we will receive something greater multiplied by seven.
With these words I want to remind you that you can always get up, no matter the circumstances, you are strong, BRAVE, incredibly wonderful. Let out all the brilliance of your essence and decree it: This will be a year of miracles, gifts, love and hope. So it is and so it will be.
Dear readers and writers, happy new year 2025.