Sorry I haven't been on lately. I went to this thing called buzzfest and all that. I touched Jacoby Shadix's butt and Dallon Weekes winked and smirked at me during Ms. Jackson so PCD is so real rn
i'm so sorry if I don't update often because I am actually in the process of writing a real legit book!!! I'm super excited for it and let's hope for it to get published :3
So I met Jeremy Shada, the voice of fin from adventure time and bassist for makeout monday and I felt so weird because I almost started crying then I could barely talk to him because I was fangirling so much... and you guys know I have a thing for bassists so I was just like... wow. So when I had my hand around his waist for the picture I was about to cry. He was so sweet and so funny and just oH MY GoD
Yes, my profile picture is me... and I have been trying to update all of my books, and I have another one coming out soon, Maybe today... but I'm tired and its 1:20 am here so I'm going to sleep and watch a horror film while you guys do your thing.