I have an obvious obsession with fan fiction.... other than that I'm just here to write, read, and be there for you guys... so if you need anything, just message me because I'll always try to be helpful :3 
  • InscritMay 23, 2014

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Histoires par Charlie Smith
Remembering Sunday par daniwinchester176
Remembering Sunday
Based on the T.V. show American Horror Story. Only Emma and Alyssa are our characters. A story about two best...
Running on Empty par daniwinchester176
Running on Empty
Audrey always had friends and was a smart girl, and she had her ups and down just like everyone else... until...
The Hunters Daughter par daniwinchester176
The Hunters Daughter
Sam Winchester, a hunter of the supernatural has a daughter named Daniele or Dan as she prefers. She's been s...
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