

@Aureylian to be honest, i'm not entirely sure. the next chapter is partially written, but i don't know when i'll finish it. it's not for lack of inspiration, either! i have so many ideas for this story, it's ridiculous! i just haven't quite figured out how it's all going to come together. it's like i have the wrapping paper and the ribbon and tape but i haven't quite figured out how to wrap the present, y'know? so i think until i work everything out with the plot, writing's probably going to come to a standstill, unfortunately. i hope when i figure everything out and write the next chapter, you'll be around to read it, but if you don't stick around, that's okay too :) you have no idea how much it means that you actually like my work! so, in short, the answer to your question is 'i don't know', but thank you for reading this far <3


[s] i didn't realize how much i missed him until baby derek turned into derek derek...omg i almost passed out *.*


@_ackles i'm always kind of mad at jeff, my reasons just tend to differ ;)


@clonies ikr like i was happy but i was like whaaaa where's tyler lol i was literally scared we wouldn't see him for some episodes and i was kinda mad at jeff lol


@_ackles i almost cried from relief, i missed hoechlin's face so much! like i love ian nelson, but derek isn't the same when he's baby derek ^-^