Dear ________,

Hi. I really don't know what to say in my bio.

So I guess you can continue on to my page--if you even want to do that. Honestly, you could also leave. I won't hold it against you. Honestly, won't even blame you.



Gorilla-author hybrid


But for those of you who stayed for this long, you could feel free to check some of my recent books too :,)
  • Psych-ward
  • SumaliAugust 20, 2012

Huling Mensahe
darkangelx74 darkangelx74 Jan 04, 2021 08:18PM
Hello, lovelies! I'm working on a new project that might bring the Seven Deadly Sin fanfiction series into life--but I need help. I'd like to create a Webtoon from the story but I can't really draw i...
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