
The last time I posted on this account was a year ago and that was for my wattpad anniversary well, would you look at that here I go doing it again. 
          	I'm like four days late, but you know.
          	I've been on this site for seven years [nine if you count me reading without an account for like two-dudes I read Twilight on wattpad back in 2008]. 
          	Fuckk, I feel old man. Anyways, one day I'll start writing something /decent/ again. I don't know when but someday.


The last time I posted on this account was a year ago and that was for my wattpad anniversary well, would you look at that here I go doing it again. 
          I'm like four days late, but you know.
          I've been on this site for seven years [nine if you count me reading without an account for like two-dudes I read Twilight on wattpad back in 2008]. 
          Fuckk, I feel old man. Anyways, one day I'll start writing something /decent/ again. I don't know when but someday.


I'm posting since I'm not dead. I may be writing a new story soon, I've rather missed writing and all my old stories such as Finding Angels Wings may never get completed because I just  can't remember it. 
          Anyways, to those still around. I may attempt to write a teen fiction, I know, weird right? Or perhaps a werewolf story, it's always been my guilty pleasure. 
          I haven't posted in almost a year, geez.


Oh well, thx for at least considering it! I hope you one day restart the series, hopefully that day is soon


            I'm so sorry! I can't remember the plot line or where I was going with it! One day I may restart it! :D


So.... Finding angels won't be completed....? .....oh..... Ok..... *cries in the corner* ...I'm just fine.... ;-;


Oh i had pneumonia! I thought I was going to die! But just take lots of rest, take LOTS of medicine and have a barf bowl beside your bed and you'll survive!


@TwiliTwix Aha, thank you! I do feel like I'm going to die, this sucks so much D: 
            I've got a whole stack of medicine! I shall survive, hopefully :p