
~>  dodge is officially hozier coded ,  cb + spec


          	  ~>  honestly I think the entire song is hot


          	  Basically this beginning part  but mostly the part I starred xD
          	  *I'm starving, darling
          	  Let me put my lips to something
          	  Let me wrap my teeth around the world*
          	  Start carving, darling
          	  I wanna smell the dinner cooking
          	  I wanna feel the edges start to burn


rebecca sat herself down in front of the bar, leaning over it to where dodge was working with a grin. " When's ya next break then sugar? " the girl simply giggled, toying with a drink she had already been carrying. " Cause if ya want I can get ya off work for the rest of the night ~ and then ya can just drink all night. Sound fun? " 


            ~>  don't feel like switching lmfaoo
            dodge hummed as she seemed pleased with the drink ,  hardly noticing how much she took out until it was slid towards him .  he poured out a drink for another customer ,  and then looked back towards her .  taking the fifty ,  he gave her a smile .  "  well,  thank you very much ,  "  he told her ,  quick to put it in the register and pocket the change .  "  oh of course not .  and he won't get anything out of me either .  you come back after your shift and the next one will be on me ,  okay ?  "


{ @darkestdesiire }
            She took the drink with a small grin, taking a sip before nodding. " Perfect, as usual! " reaching into her purse, she pulled out a fifty dollar bill, sliding it across to him. " Keep the change, pretty boy. That's ya tip! " offering a small grin, she quickly glanced around before taking another sip, before shaking her head. " Nah, it's only like...ten? I don't finish for another two hours, but what valentino doesn't know won't hurt him. " 


            ~>  tyyy
            the drink that she described would normally be a double but since he knew her and knew she wasn't the type to stiff when it came to a tip ,  he only put it in as one serving .  he was quick to come back with a replacement ,  placing a small lemon slice on the rim as a garnish .  "  there you are .  finished with your work for the night ,  hm ?  "  he asked ,  recalling that she wasn't allowed to drink on the job .


          For Zeke and Dodge
          Zeke had been waiting on a rooftop for a good time to strike, he’d received a contract to kill someone in the lust ring, his angelic weapons currently holstered, gun loaded, he had been told his Target would be in Ozzie’s, and he’d decided to wait until he left,  sneaking down the roof hiding behind a wall, glancing out seeing the door open, seeing the man’s stature falling out from the bar doors, though from the way he came out he could only make a guess that he could’ve stumbled out after too many drinks, jumping out pulling his knife from his holster, this would be easy enough without a gun anyway. His spade shaped tail flicked as he threw the knife, the blade zipping through the air directly into the man’s jugular.


            as he waited for his order ,  he was lucky enough to have been preparing a ring of salt to dip the glasses into .  dodge nodded and got right to work ,  it only taking about a minute or so to get the bounty hunter his drink .  the incubus stole glances now and then of him braiding his long hair .  of course ,  he kept his own hair long so he was always interested in methods to keep it out of the way .  "  does keeping your hair like that help ? "  he asked ,  wondering if he should try it more for himself .


            He glanced up toward him, his arms settling atop the counter one in front of the other,  “a double of rye, on the rocks” he spoke with a small nod,  hands moving back a moment, smoothing it down and making sure he’d collected it all in his hands before he braided it all into one long braid down his back, arms moving back to rest upon the counter, one leg crossed over the other 


            through the rest of his break ,  he wrote a brief summary of what he had witnessed outside of the building to be left on his boss' desk .  not that it would ever be read ,  but just to be able to refer to it if it ever came up .  in about ten minutes ,  he came back to serving his customers ,  mostly getting them refills on whatever it was they were having .  then ,  he noticed the bounty hunter walk through the door and sit right in front of him .  just as he put the shaker down to pour the contents into a glass ,  he looked over at him .  "  what can i get for you tonight ?  "  he asked ,  giving him his full attention after finishing up the drink .


          Eli had been at the coffee shop since about 3 o clock in the afternoon and was working until 10 that night. The coffee shops uniforms consisted of Pastel coloured aprons with the coffee shops logo on the front of them, and with 1 smaller in width and 3 larger pockets, and then whatever matching nonslip shoe, if the colour the worker wanted was available then that’s what they’d be given. Eli believed it could’ve been the luck jar they brought that caused them to get the apron that was one of their favourite colours they already dressed in, lavender, wearing their skirt as well to match with the apron. They had dealt with the usual customers for most the shift, getting a little bit closer to close when they heard the bell to the door jingle, moving toward the area behind the counter  glancing to the door, it was a quant coffee shop with about 10 tables a small cue lead by a couple bars that they had, had ended in front of the counter they stood behind


            They smiled at the assurance, humming softly as they closed the bin and then turned it around, the cafe consistently only using one bin and alternating which one was used each night, moving over to the empty one that was already turned around from the night before, nodding again at the others words “ironic isn’t it?” They responded with a smile, turning the bin around the right way and glancing in it to make sure it was actually empty and the person who closed it last night remembered to take it out, they sighed when it wasn’t, mumbling something about someone forgetting again,  the name not easy to be heard. Glancing back at his words, a pink hue rising to their cheeks, clearing their throat before chuckling softly “you might just have to do that” they teased back lightly, as they pulled the trash from the night before out as well, and as it could fit, they put the trash bag from the other bin into that one before tying it, and then replacing the bag in the bin. “Okay- yeah- yeah no problem, I just need like 3 minutes to throw this out and grab my stuff, thank you” they spoke softly


this message may be offensive
            "  hey ,  no offense taken ,  "  he assured them ,  hiding a laugh through the next sip of his coffee at their statement after that .  "  it's always the ones that consider themselves the most holy that treat others the worst ,  "  he responded .  it was many sinners' case in hell .  he couldn't count the amount of times he encountered a sinner that had been quote unquote devout catholic in their lives on earth .  eventually it just seemed to be code for ' piece of shit ' .  "  ah ,  really ?  might just have to come see you here again just to do that ,  "  he  suggested ,  a bit of a flirty tone taking over before a laugh .  sometimes flirting on earth wasn't taken as lightly as it was in hell .  "  oh no it's fine ,  have a couple other errands to run so it probably won't add much time at all ,  "  he told them ,  taking the last sips of his hot coffee .


            At his words they chuckled softly, smiling “don’t worry, I don’t expect you to be, not that- I’m assuming anything.” They quickly corrected “im sorta the town freak, ya know?” They rolled their eyes at the notion “I don’t find many people here who aren’t toxic catholic out their ass” they shrugged, they didn’t often swear in front of a customer unless they felt they wouldn’t be bothered by it, and this man didn’t seem bothered at all, it was nice to be able to speak their mind. They hummed softly at the assurance “maybe, but if it’s to anyone like that” they shrugged again “Think it’d be funny to watch” they spoke as they pulled the trash out gathering it into its bag and tying it up. They glanced over again at his question, smiling softly “are you sure? I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time” they spoke smiling still as they set the trash bag aside and then put a new one onto the bin


~>  dodge is officially hozier coded ,  cb + spec


            ~>  honestly I think the entire song is hot


            Basically this beginning part  but mostly the part I starred xD
            *I'm starving, darling
            Let me put my lips to something
            Let me wrap my teeth around the world*
            Start carving, darling
            I wanna smell the dinner cooking
            I wanna feel the edges start to burn


~>  cb and spec !!  had a big earthquake a while ago btw it was wild


            ~>  frr but luckily this one wasn't too bad


{ @darkestdesiire }
            ~~ i'd actually hate to be in one- 


Alexei had been carrying on with his shows for another month, seeing as he was due in list for three months. even though he was quite focused on these shows, he did indeed notice that dodge kept coming back to every show. this was slightly peculiar, seeing as most people did indeed take a break, but no. the other was there in the same seat, for every show. 
          after the last show of the day had finished, Alexei pulled dodge to the side, a small grin growing on his face.
          " Well someone's clearly enjoying the performances, huh? " 


{ @darkestdesiire }
            he took the offered cigarette and lighter, lighting it up and returning the lighter back to the other. " you don't seem very bored yet, anyone would think your going to miss the show when I go to greed next. " the clown smirked playfully, taking a puff and flicking ash onto the floor. 
            " Anyone would think you wanted something. " there was a small edge to his voice, though nothing he'd directly act upon. 


            he took out a cigarette from his pocket as alexei spoke and offered one to the clown .  "  i'll stop coming when i find it boring ,  "  he responded cheekily ,  lighting up his own cigarette and offering the lighter to alexei .  it wasn't too much of a hassle to be able to attend the shows .  he made enough to where he could be a bit careless with his money and be just fine .


{ @darkestdesiire }
            the clown looked at the other closely, a brow raising. " most people don't come to /every/ show, you know. it'd get boring. " the shows were basically the same everytime, unless Alexei had decided to do something different. even then, it was only minor tweaking of the original schedule. 
            "but, if you're enjoying it that much, why should I complain? especially since it's putting some money into /my/ pocket. " 


/     rae this is so hot i think i need to change my pants !!!! 


amazing! and,,, shoves wanning in front of you and grins. 


can we get married omg... 


ooh this is a tough one! 


~>  incubus :  coming from the latin incubare ,  meaning to lie upon ,  an incubus is an evil spirit who lies upon others .  like others of his kind ,  dodge is dominant and seductive ,  but he lacks the aggression of most incubi and is highly selective with those he chooses .
          cb + spec to know more !
          (  will not be discussing / rping graphic nsfw topics with minors )


            Sure! I’ll go log in there!! I got some muse for him! 


            ~>  hmm we haven't done anything with angel for a while lol