Hey I'm Mei,

I'm currently in high school so things are a bit hectic but I like to think that this is my creative space where I can let loose a little and be myself.

- YouTube (seriously though, I'm practically obsessed)
- Anime (SAO, Attack on Titan, Blue Spring Ride, etc.)
- Anything written by Cassandra Clare ( let me know if there are any books similar to hers because I am having serious shadowhunter withdrawals)
- Cats
- Leonardo Dicaprio (I'm talking Romeo +Juliet and Titanic *swoons*)

If you have anything in common with me or you have nothing in common with me, don't be afraid to talk to me! I love chatting with people and since I'm new on wattpad, I'd like to make some new friends :)

Did that sound too desperate? Sorry, I wasn't trying to come off that way but it is pretty late as I'm typing this so I guess this is just my late night ramblings.

Anyways, I think I will mostly write teen fiction and if the mood strikes me, I might write some cliches or I might not. I guess we'll wait and see what the future holds :)

Thanks for reading and enjoy my stories!
  • USA
  • InscritJuly 8, 2015


Histoire par Mei
Undefined par daysofmei
I'm probably not going finish this story, but I'm pretty proud of the prologue so I decided to publish it. I...