anxious and stressed b*tch

•pretty little liars. [merry christmas bitches]
•stranger things. [friends don't lie]
•how i met your mother. [legen-wait for it- dary, legendary]
•the flash. [run barry, run]
•arrow. [el martillo que rompe el vidrio, forja el acero]
•supergirl. [kara danvers sucks right now]
•friends. [i'll be there for you]
•sherlock. [shut up everybody, shut up, i'm trying to think]
•maze runner. [please tommy, please]
•harry potter. [you are a wizard harry]
•gilmore girls. [you need to wallow] [i can't date, I'm not genetically set up for it]

mi amortx @renggku
  • EntrouAugust 9, 2016

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dazzler_art dazzler_art Dec 02, 2019 12:18AM
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