
Chapter 22 is up today, dear readers!
          	Celestia attends Grace Church with Bella and her family, tries in vain to have a conversation about the notion of faith, then later is given some very shocking news!


A new chapter is up today!
          Ready and waiting for you is Chapter 20, wherein Gerald reveals what he found in Oristano's locked room, Celestia receives an unexpected goodbye, and later makes a plan to learn about the contents of Dr. Zephyr's mysterious book of demons. Enjoy!


Things are getting tense for Celestia and her friends. Chapter 19 is up and ready to read:
          Just then, from atop the carriage, came two sharp raps from Mr. Crawford, and he called down to them, trying to keep his voice low. “That the tall one?”
          They looked toward the eastern end of the street. Unmistakably it was Roderick Smullings walking quickly in their direction. “It’s him!” said Celestia. She and Bella ducked their heads back inside the carriage while keeping their eyes on the four windows of Oristano’s apartment.
          “Please Gerald,” Celestia whispered, “please look down!”


This week's chapter is a bit longer. Why does a proposal of marriage anger Celestia? What happened at the Dodd Steel factory in Newburgh? And how did Mr. Dodd take a virtual trip down the Mississippi in 1847? Find out!
          “Rather long-winded, isn’t he?” said Mr. Dodd when Celestia had finished reading. “What do you make of it?”
          Celestia looked down again at the two-page letter from Walter Branley, the handwriting small and restrained in contrast to the comparative bravado of his words.
          “I don’t think it would be possible to craft a letter that would make me less inclined to want to marry him,” she said.


New chapter posted today! Celestia has a disturbing nightmare and an even more disturbing message from her grandmother:
          "My contact in London forwarded the following telegram from Chief Inspector Brundall-Jones. Evidently nothing on the man named Vig, but it appears that you’re into something with this Smullings. I trust you’ll proceed with due caution. Don’t hesitate to let me know if I may be of further service."
          Read Chapter Seventeen to find out what Celestia has learned about Roderick Smullings, aka Oristano.


Celestia looked at them with a disapproving frown. “We can’t simply break in!”
          “I was wondering,” said Gerald, “if Tom Gage might be able to charm Mrs. Savona, the landlady, into providing a key. She seems to hold no great affection for her tenants.”
          “I can’t let you risk that, Gerald,” said Celestia. “You’d be breaking the law!”
          “Well, Tom Gage would be breaking the law,” said Bella.
          “I don’t think Gerald’s disguise would help him much if he were apprehended by police.”
          “But I wouldn’t get caught!” said Gerald.
          “Besides,” said Bella, “if Mrs. Savona lets him in, then it’s hardly a crime at all, is it?”
          Gerald and Bella have been a great help to Celestia, but might they also be bad influences? You decide for yourself. Chapter Sixteen is ready for you!


“… This knowledge, gleaned from ancient and forgotten tomes, the arcane wisdom that is locked away in dark vaults in Europe’s great museums and libraries and in the timeless temples of Cairo, Stamboul and Fez, the secrets to life’s ineffable mysteries, hidden from view, neglected, spurned by arrogant modernity, but waiting to be rediscovered by the open mind of a willing and determined adept. Friends, I ask you now to stare not into my eyes, but into the Eye of Shahvar, for that is the eternal eye, the eye with the power to see where our eyes see only darkness, to see beyond the veil…”
          Thus begins the first séance with Oristano. Where will it lead? Find out in Chapter Fifteen, posted today!


Aw, thanks Sam. You have some catching up to do!  I need to get back to your stuff too!


@dbwainfleet AHHHH I NEED TO READ THIS! this is so good!