
/ ; lmao my old account
          	got deleted ,, it used to
          	be  @ / -emoboy-


Hope that gave you a smile or a good chuckle! I just woke up really confused lol


Love you!!! <33333


Anyways, you are very important to me and I care about you a lot :] if you ever feel sad or have some happy news, feel free to tell me! I love talking with you <3


Okay, first things first, I had a really weird dream last night, not like nsfw weird but just absolute fever dream kind of weird.


TLDR: I ran a marathon, ordered subway in a different language, finished the marathon too late and went on a rampage with bombs and my fists.


I ate my sub so quickly, like 2 seconds in my dream, and then I ran out and continued the marathon (which was previously blocked by some traffic) I basically became usain bolt for a few minutes and then make it to the end and discover the marathon already ended, since no one else was at the end destination. So then I went on a rage and blew up a bank and just K.O’d every rich person I saw. My dream-self is a phychopath.


I was running a marathon and then I decided to take a short cut because I wanted some food, so I stopped at a subway. In my dream, this subway was small and all of the workers were new. As I was ordering subway in my dream the workers told me to list off every little thing I wanted but everything on the menu was in a different language. One thing my dream-self wanted was something called “penstrvickle” which I don’t even know wtf. My dream-self wanted it on my sub, but I couldn’t say it so I just jumped over the counter and jammed my hand into a jar of them. I got them out but then my hand got stuck.