Ten things random about me:
1) I can't, for the life of me, tell time on analog clocks and so my friends tell me I will die at twenty-two to two in a burning building
2) I used to have sticks of butter when I was bored
3) I know lyrics to songs that I don't even listen to
4) I have had more than one pet rock
5) I am the leading expert in second-hand embarrassment
6) I often imagine interesting ways to cause grievous bodily harm to those who annoy me
7) I am a complete and utter freeze-child; not meant for cold weathers...
8) I have a really deep-seated love for fireworks
9) I really cannot like something that more than one other person likes however much I try
10) I hate mornings and am a complete night owl
  • Under your bed
  • JoinedMarch 9, 2014