Hey Guys!

I'm Kiara!
I'm 18, bi, and I love who I am
I love to dance in the rain
And I love summer nights
I'm a huge anglophile

Anyways this is a joint account that my sister and I have so we can go through this whole experience together! Hope you have fun reading!


Hello all,

I'm 18 and black, if you don't like that, GO AWAY!
I tend to be more artsy and ish so bare with me here...
Oh, by the way, my name is Marquila and this is a joint account with my sister Kiara, thank you for being interested enough to read this!
  • Somewhere over the rainbow
  • انضمJuly 19, 2013


قصص بقلم divine_fire_angels
What's next? بقلم divine_fire_angels
What's next?
We are teaming up to create impromptu short stories, enjoy!
+4 أكثر
Bad romance بقلم divine_fire_angels
Bad romance
Two girls who have never met before find a common interest in the same guy only to find themselves in a night...