
My website works again <3


@dollygrand - Looks good! ❤️❤️


I am absolutely in love with your "The mouse and The wolf" series. (Slight spoilers ahead) I had first thought it would be like the cliché werewolf x human plot so I was reading through the first few chapters without much attention, almost skimming but when the plot thickened and my god did it keep thickening. The plot twists and different connections with one point to another, I have yet to find any plot holes. I am obsessed with the series and your way of writing. The plot and romance made a intoxicating mixture for me which I couldn't avoid. I finished the two completed books in 1 day. It was so amazing I binged it all, I am so very excited of what's to come next. The characters and moments in the books live rent free in my mind. You have risen my expectations for werewolf romance/BL genre. I can't find any other BL werewolf or omegaverse series as interesting and heart wrenching as yours. Thank your for that. I'd definitely sell my kidney to have the experience of reading the books for the first time again.
          I am also absolutely enchanted by your way of writing and plot twists. How greatly you build up anticipation and connect the dots so magnificently. I have never been a big fan of first person pov as I've never seen it executed perfectly but you definitely chaged my opinion on that. I love the way you write first person pov, it actually feels like I am reading from that character's prespective and only their opinion and veiw of that certain aspect. You have indeed captured my literature and BL heart with your mastery of words and writings. Your writing has made me more self aware of my own and made me understand how I can improve. You're a very talented writer and 100% one of my favourite writers now. Please do tell what I should read next! Lots of love and support to you<3


Omg I had no idea you were writing under the name shaded sin! I read these books maybe a year or two ago and recently found shaded sin on here, maybe a month ago, I subscribed to your ream as I couldn’t wait for new updates and only now due to your update on  At the end of nightfall did I realise I’ve read this series just under a different name  absolutely loveeee your work☺️


@unknown456111 thank you so much :3 that's so kind of you <3


@dollygrand it really is, I’m not sure how I’ve only just noticed but I appreciate your work so much, the stories are amazing 


@unknown456111 Eyyy thank you so much for your kind words and supporting me on Ream! That's a fun coincidence :3


I am also arthur ,I love writing ,can you read my book please and express your views and comments ,it is in profile the tales of thugs and if you like it then please announce it to your followers so I can get some votes which can motivate to write


Alllllrighty! I have officially started working on Save Me From Myself series again, and I decided to publish and upload it on Ream as I go so everyone can see my progress with the first book! (and make sure I don't wander off and forget to keep working on it xD)
          you can find it for free using this link, though after the first 5 chapters you'll have to create an account and follow me, which is also all free (and there won't be any annoying, intrusive ads whatsoever):
          PS. you can also find uncensored version of The Bet, and Six Issues on my Ream as well, plus all my stories from my second pen name, @shadedsin . A lot of it you can read for free, and there's also a ton of stuff you can get access to with a 6$ monthly fee!


Counting minutes is my life 
          Thats all I wanna say


@Ungratefuldark666 i absolutely second this. I have been re-reading that book since I first laid eyes on it in 2021. I re-read it every year at least 3 times because of how good it is! I love it!


Yesss! Counting minutes brought tears to my eyes! That work is gold!