• the room where it happens
  • InscritDecember 8, 2015


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donnysnova donnysnova Oct 15, 2017 01:10PM
HUGE UPDATE!!!school has been super busy, and i haven’t had time to write. this is kinda a bs excuse i know i know, but i’m not sure when my next update will be or if there will be one? im hoping th...
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Histoires par elizabeth
Magnets par donnysnova
Anthony Ramos and Jasmine Cephas-Jones. Exact opposites. But do opposites really attract? Maybe they're like...
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Saved By Lin-Manuel par donnysnova
Saved By Lin-Manuel
Elizabeth's world turns upside when she meets Lin-Manuel Miranda and the cast of Hamilton. Her world would n...
ranking #190 dans la catégorie linmanuelmiranda Voir tous les classements
Hamilton Rants & Stuff par donnysnova
Hamilton Rants & Stuff
Random Hamilton, and Broadway stuff.
ranking #60 dans la catégorie lmm Voir tous les classements
3 Listes de Lectures