@dorkiest_nerd it .Use college to learn and explore anything you can safely. Have fun, make mistakes and learn from them (not life threatening to anyone btw). Have new experiences, I promise you will like numerous people in your life. And it sounds cliche but if you find someone and it's meant to be for you, then it will all work out. Rushing into something always ends badly. I can't promise you won't get your heart broken, unfortunately it happens. You just have to be brave enough to put yourself out there even if it ends badly. But the key is if it does end bad, you pick yourself up and keep it moving because not everyone is gonna break your heart. Just take your time, date different people. Try new things, you'll learn a lot about yourself. Remember that you and your goals should be first. If they can't respect that then they don't belong, not the other way around. Don't change yourself for anyone. It will all be worth it. I hope some of that helped a little. I'm just offering what I wish someone did for me. Take care of yourself!