
just logged back in here after years and even though the way i used to write on here makes me cringe, i do miss every one of you who used to dm me. there are a lot of memories here. hope you all are happy and safe, and if anyone ever wants to catch up for old time's sake, my dms are always open !


just logged back in here after years and even though the way i used to write on here makes me cringe, i do miss every one of you who used to dm me. there are a lot of memories here. hope you all are happy and safe, and if anyone ever wants to catch up for old time's sake, my dms are always open !


[ currently i am on hiatus as i am working on all my college apps and deadlines are coming up. this is the reason i have been absent from september and onwards. i will be back by the middle of january or the beginning of february. for those of my partners who have been patient with me, thank you. i hope you'll still be a little more patient for me, but i simply cannot bring myself to come on here until i am stress-free. thank you for understanding and i hope to see you lovelies soon. x ]


sorry for being mia for so long. honestly, i feel so gloomy nowadays and i can't bring myself to come here so much. i'm really trying because i love roleplaying with you all so much. trust me, i love the relationships that have been established on here. but i want to be able to rp without feeling so down. so i will be here during the weekends because i can't forget the beautiful relationships on here and the friends i have made. sorry if i let anyone down, but i am really trying to make this work. thank you. x
          | ooa 
          offline for now.


hey demetrius, a little princess is coming into our lives pretty soon and i hope you'll be there to see her. only two months more and our little bundle of joy is going to be here with us. it gets very lonely without you, come back to me soon. ;alexis